Source Code

pantie wetter

A woman who urinates in her underwear, especially one who does so deliberately for sexual stimulation.

Sheila is a secret pantie wetter, but it's her fantasy to do it in public.

by starflier December 8, 2003

57πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Top grade woman (= 10 out of 10). From the movie '10', featuring Dudley Moore and Bo Derek.

Look at her... she's a 10!

by starflier December 8, 2003

604πŸ‘ 178πŸ‘Ž

jack and jill

Jack and Jill party: a gathering of males and females, who masturbate in front of each other for mutual stimulation and enjoyment. (Generally looking is encouraged but touching is not.)

From jack and jill, with reference to the nursery rhyme Jack and Jill.

Last weekend my wife and I went to a Jack and Jill party.

by starflier December 8, 2003

590πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž

working girl

Euphemistic term for a prostitute, often preferred by the sex workers themselves.

She: I don't like being called a whore or a prostitute.
He: How would you describe yourself then?
She: I'm a working girl.

by starflier December 8, 2003

393πŸ‘ 91πŸ‘Ž


A sexy looking female (the implication being that she is sexually available).

That Tania is a real sexpot. If she plays her cards right she could have me!

by starflier December 8, 2003

95πŸ‘ 106πŸ‘Ž


= bumf

My intray is full of bumph.

by starflier December 8, 2003

15πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Clitoris. See clit.

She loves to rub her little nub.

by starflier December 8, 2003

36πŸ‘ 66πŸ‘Ž