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Amazing, sweet, funny, cute, the kind of guy you would never expect falling in love with...

Your best friend, the guy you watch from afar, the guy that makes you spout poetry because everything looks fricking wonderful and beautiful right now. Makes you sing, makes you laugh at anything and everything, makes you feel like the world is spinning around you.

Girl 1: (bitterly watches couples smooching on Valentine's Day) I'm so alone...forever alone...
Girl 2: Come on, let's go find you an Ivan. Look, there's one right there!
Girl 1: Only if you don't mind me being love-crazy for the next year...
Girl 2: Don't worry, it's unavoidable. Anyone who falls in love with Ivan will sing sappy love songs, laugh a lot, dance around, act like a nutcase...
Girl 1: ... (too busy staring at Ivan)
Girl 2: Here we go...

by starry-eyed March 19, 2013

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