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Out of the blue

When the amount of fecal waste in a porta potty has risen out of the blue liquid. It is forming a mountain of unimaginable foulness. You gonna just add to the mound? Gonna look for a patch of woods? Stand in line for another potty that might be mounded higher? Hurry the fuck up. The line behind you is very impatient!

"Beware of that shitter, man."

"Is it that bad?"

"It's out of the blue. I'd head for the woods if I were you."

"Fuck it, man. I've waited this long. I'll just stack another block on the ole pyramid."

by steamingkoil August 28, 2018

6👍 5👎

Meat Money

Money used by some dik or smitz to buy a well hung male prostitute when he needs a brutal pounding.

Danny made some meat money today. He's gonna get that ass pounded, tonight!

by steamingkoil June 20, 2017