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The act of being so supercilious it would be impossible to be more so

That bitch is so ultracilious she makes me sick

by steveinakld April 15, 2011


When somebody stands too close behind you on an escalator and you take your revenge by farting on them.

Shopping lady: "Have you seen that dead person at the bottom of the escalator?"
Shopping man: "Yes, she is a victim of fartgating."

by steveinakld March 14, 2022


A medical procedure whereby rich people have their poos removed by caesarian rather than bringing them to term.

Rhonda: Hey Linda! Have you done a poo yet today?
Linda: Oo no! Disgusting! I've already been for a scatortion at the clinic.

by steveinakld July 3, 2012


Last Second Piss. Just before leaving the house each day, the need to urinate one last time, just to be sure.

Rick: Hurry up! We're gonna be late for the movie - it starts in 3 minutes!!
Ned: Hang on! Just gotta do an LSP!!

by steveinakld July 31, 2012

71👍 22👎


A mechanical device, usually a car engine, set up in your backyard that does nothing but emit pollution. Just so those people who don't drive can also participate in atmospheric destruction, like their neighbours.

Irate Neighbour: Hey what's that engine running for in your backyard, it's noisy and smelly, and it's giving my kids asthma!
Resident: Whoa! Cool off man! Thats just my polluter!

by steveinakld July 31, 2012

44👍 2👎