Source Code

Ass Kiss

when someone takes there bare ass and sits on the other persons cheek, making kissy noises. When they lift they're ass off the persons face they fart loudly.

Oh dude you smell like ass

yeah Bill Gates gave me an ass kiss last night

was it wet?



by stoner4boner March 9, 2010

19👍 10👎

Penis Hammer

the act of ejaculating on a girls face and rubbing the cum into her skin, by hammering her face with your penis

Cindy was giving me head last night, it was so sick

Did you penis hammer her?

Yeah it was soooo awesome but i gave her a black eye


by stoner4boner March 9, 2010

34👍 14👎


Wild, homosexual deers that mainly live in the upper regions of canada. They can be seen having sex during the night. Theese are the deers that usuly get hit by cars, due to thier bad judgement.

"Hey did you see thoose two QueerDeers fucking last night?"
"Yea why?"
"I accedentally ran over it today."
"Oh shit, thats sad."
"I know"
"Did you jerk it to them fucking?"

by stoner4boner March 10, 2010

16👍 6👎