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Ani is gAy

by stormcleo November 26, 2019


Donia is the best girl you'll ever meet. She's silly, social, ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS, encouraging, sweet, innocent, humorous, a born leader and so much more! If you ever meet a Donia know that you've been blessed and you should never, ever under any circumstances let her go. Donia is a unique girl with beautiful, luscious mud-brown hair and eyes that sparkle like diamonds. She is an amazingly loyal friend who always has kind words to say. Donia has strong opinions that stand out but she is always accepting of other peoples opinions too. She is extremely talented and wiser than most, she's got top grades and is always willing to help other people. Donia is the type of person who holds power within her, if you're sweet to her she will be sweet in return but never underestimate her - Donia could have u killed if she wanted to so be warned. Donia is an inspiring and influential person if you're ever lucky enough to get a girl like this in your life consider yourself one of the luckiest people in the universe. Few people live a life fulfilling enough to meet someone like this.

Ani: OoooOOOoo its bUnDy!
Priya: Yeah, but Bundy is a Donia so she's pretty damn cool!

by stormcleo November 24, 2019

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