Source Code

real definition


the act of defining, or of making something definite, distinct, or clear

the formal statement of the meaning or significance of a word, phrase, idiom, etc., as found in dictionaries. An online dictionary resource, such as Dictionary.com, can give users direct, immediate access to the definitions of a term, allowing them to compare definitions from various dictionaries and stay up to date with an ever-expanding vocabulary.

April 1st should have real definitions

by subway572572 October 28, 2023


1. Ratio on reddit where you are downvoted into the negatives

2. When you get absolutely zero likes and ratio'd on social media

Fuck, I got redditio'd on Twitter

by subway572572 October 28, 2023

christopher miko

the author of the holy bible for minecrafters, the god of minecraft, the best science teacher

dave: hey man did you write sumn?
christopher miko: hey i did it was The Holy Bible for Minecrafters
dave: damn bruh fr fr no cap bussin bussin
christopher miko: what

by subway572572 February 13, 2023

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


A friend that you hate and dislike at the same time, not enough to be a frenemy.

Every 3 months you switch from being best friends to enemies

March: Kaleb's a friendhole
June: I wanna kiss Kaleb on the mouth but he's the type of person to agree and take Rucka Rucka Ali seriously

by subway572572 October 28, 2023

Matrix and Cat Gifs

Something that Urban Dictionary loves.

(Matrix and Cat Gifs)

by subway572572 October 9, 2023


What you should be doing right now

Do your homework boy before I hit you

by subway572572 October 6, 2023

Urban ratio

Thought you couldn't get ratio'd on urban dictionary? You're wrong. This is when you have more dislikes than likes on your definition. Sad.

Now that this definition has been made, it will most likely be urban ratio'd

by subway572572 October 28, 2023

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž