Source Code

Non-pony province

Ontario, as referenced in Premier Dalton McGuinty lamenting that he couldn't give a pony to every resident child.

-- Did you hear what they're saying on Parliament Hill to the newly arriving Western caucus?

-- No.

-- Why would you leave a PONY province, to come to a NON-pony province?! It doesn't make any sense!!

by sukadog May 15, 2011


Short for Manchester United, which means, for a man who has sojourned long, and endured much, even to be thought to be a Manchester, to be finally united with his muse.

-- So, after being mistakenly thought to be all about the carbon cockprint, he endured being a Manchester.

-- Yeah, and now that he'll hook-up with his muse he'll be a Man-U.

by sukadog April 22, 2011

Cultural disconnection

When people assume their way of doing things goes-without-saying, like that Christmas is necessarily in December (or in January) or that everyone celebrates Christmas, and which assumption, in-turn, leads to social isolation.

-- So glad you could finally come to our party this year.

-- Yeah, it took some getting-used-to...first Christmas, and then...Christmas-in-January.

-- What did you think we were celebrating on January 6?

-- I read that that's when Jesus traditionally got circumcised.

-- So that's what you thought today was about? I think you may be experiencing cultural disconnection.

-- Just as long as that's the only disconnection I end-up experiencing.

by sukadog March 24, 2011

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Where the presumed cause, as substance-abuse, is non-existent, and where the real reason for unusual behaviour is a man's love for his Muse.

-- I heard he hasn't had a drink in over two years?

-- It's true. He's no more under the sheenfluence than that Sheen is Charlie's original name.

-- You mean he's love-sick for his Muse?

-- Yeah, he has estevluenza.

by sukadog April 17, 2011

sexpension of disbelief

An IMPLICIT call on long-past sexual-favours for current or future moral-support which may run counter to the inclinations of all but a minority in the group.

-- Okay, so, like you know how, formerly, people might have many kids to insure for some old-age security?

-- Yeah.

-- Whereas now we have pensions...

-- Okay....

-- So it isn't procreation anymore which provides benefits, but sex itself.

-- Ah-ha, so a broad network of past lovers with hope translates into a large network of friends.

-- Exactly. Benefits lead to friends, and friends can be called-on for help and moral-support even when it's challenging for them at-times.

-- Ah-ha, a sexpension of disbelief!!

by sukadog March 29, 2011


The need of heavy Twitter-users for more than a 144-character limit.

-- Did you know that Bill Gates at-first overlooked the potential of the internet?

-- I know, and then he said of Twitter, that 144-characters should be all anybody will ever need.

-- Yeah, now all the time I'm twitching for some tweetbensraum.

by sukadog April 14, 2011


Commonly mistaken for the cultural-unity people feel in-griping about tax-woes (like surviving tornadoes) it refers to where taxidermists see it not as that the only things certain in-life are death and taxes, as death and taxidermy (as some are wild mountain-folk who avoid taxes) and so every new roadkill is a new opportunity.

-- Say, lookey here, we don't pay taxes, and I'm about all talked-out cussin' the government and the weather, what to chew the fat over?

-- You read my mind. Look, some roadkill, an opportunity to do some taxidermy.

-- Yeah, it's a real taxitunity.

by sukadog April 18, 2011

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