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Expressing your wild or sexy side before going in for the kill (foreplay).

Said with the rolling of the tongue 'R' sound and usually making claw-like gesture with the hand/s to imitate a TIGER-R-R!

Person 1: Raar
Person 2: Bedroom...NOW!

by sunshiyong December 7, 2010

33πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

keep digging

'keep digging' refers to when someone has just said something embarrasing or awkward and they are trying to get themselves out the situation by backpeddaling but they are just making the situation worse.

for related topic see dig a hole pass me a shovel and ground swallow me up

Frank: Hey when's the baby due?
Mary: I'm not pregnant.
Frank: Of course you're not...errr...you look really good
Mary: You're digging a hole
Frank: Uh-huh oh by the way did I forget to mention your hair looks nice
Mary: yeah? keep digging!
Frank: Ok I'll see you round...I mean around.

by sunshiyong November 23, 2010

59πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


A typically French past-time

Claude: Hey Jean-Paul I'm bored what shall we do to kill time?

Jean-Paul: Why don't we go on strike?

Claude: Good idea, that sounds like fun!

by sunshiyong October 19, 2010

164πŸ‘ 103πŸ‘Ž


A comment made by a third party in response to someone saying something inappropriate or embarrasing themselves in some way, thus causing an awkward silence for several seconds.

Saying "awkard" is often a remark deliberately aimed at stating the obvious to make the situation just that little bit more cringe-worthy.

for related topic please see ground swallow me up, dig a hole and keep digging

John: Hey, dumbass can't you read the sign? No dogs allowed!
Paul: er...(awkard silence) sorry sir he's new here.
John: what?
Paul: (whispering) dude the guy is blind and that's his guide dog!
John: oh.
3rd Party: awkward

by sunshiyong November 23, 2010

118πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

Yogi Chogi

A slang term for the Korean language.

The name 'Yogi Chogi' identifies the Korean language by the way it sounds to a Westerner.

'Yogi Chogi' is also the official language of Pokemon and friends

Student: Yogi chogi, yogi chogi, hambooger deyyyy!

Teacher: You know the rules! No Speaking 'Yogi Chogi' in my class. English only!

Student: OK Mr.Teacher, I so sorry, me no speak yogi chogi

by sunshiyong October 20, 2010

31πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

red lemming

Term for a common Chinese person.

The nation colour of China being 'red' + 'lemming' a person with no originality or voice of his/her own.

One who speaks or repeats only what he/she has been told by the state. Excessively nationalistic. A tool. A cretin.

China is goood, China amazing, China wule da world!" "Oh great another red lemming.

by sunshiyong October 21, 2010

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

The Floater

That toilet deposit that just won't flush but prefers to bask in the bathroom light floating on the surface.

Floaters have different levels according to the amount of flushes required to make them go down.

Some people give up and leave them for others to find.

It is 2nd only to an actual holy crap.

"Urgghhh who left a floater?"
The floater is almost impervious to toilet flushing.

by sunshiyong December 8, 2010

18πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž