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A Jenny - in other words - a marijuana cigarette. Some may say a ‘joint’ or a ‘spliff’ but a Jenny is the newest and coolest term on the block.

“Hey Alyss, what you up to?”

“Oh me? Dude I’m sparking up a Jenny an chillin with some snacks, tf you doing?”

“Man! I was just about to roll a Jenny myself!!”

by sushiqueen69 August 19, 2021

168👍 40👎

A Jenny

A Jenny - in other words a marijuana cigarette, a spliff, a joint.

A Jenny consists of tobacco and marijuana rolled in a rizla, whether that be an L plate or a single skin.

“Hey Alyss, what you up to?”
“Oh me? Me Alyss? Why I, I be puffing on a phat Jenny dude!”
“oh for serious? Mann I was about to roll me up A Jenny too!”

by sushiqueen69 August 21, 2021

30👍 1👎