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Ellies act tough but are really sensitive on the inside. She has lost a lot of friends but not because she is a bad person but it's because she takes no bullshit. She is slim thicc no cap whigga. She is small but has a surprising about of strength and will attack you and literally leap on top of you. She is an actually crack baby and therefore can survive anything. She will have a low will to live but will somehow and surprisingly survive despite taking zero care of herself. She refuses to seek medical attention if she is sick and acts like her 17 year old best friend is a certified doctor. Ellies HATE any and all girls named kylie or kiley (any spelling of that demonic name). She will over use the word "mug" and "swag". And most importantly is honey bunches of oats.

Ellie is such a honey bunches of oats

by swaggingmug June 14, 2019

1👍 2👎


mug can be used to replace any noun regarding to a place

person 1: "she is here"
person 2: "she's up in this mug"

*person leaving a place* "I'm out this mug!"

by swaggingmug June 14, 2019

129👍 16👎