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a) Verb - To move / change location, often in a sneaky yet spasticated manner.

b) Noun - A person who can be deemed to be annoying yet provide comic relief to friends and family alike.


Will we take a wee nyert down the pub after we finish these ales?
He was lying on the ground, nyerting away like a dying fish.


You're an annoying little nyert!
Spidey wee nyert!

by t8rb8r August 4, 2010


A verb to define the last minute act of pulling out of a social calendar event, or alternatively to not show at all (without notification).

Verb: To pull a "mushy".

Guys, something's come up. I'm afraid i'm going to have to mushy out on this one.

They had to mushy out of the party.

by t8rb8r August 1, 2010

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