Source Code


1. Tobias Funke, former Analyst/Therapist (analrapist) turned "actor" from Arrested Development known for his latent homoerotic tendencies, deep denial, balding pate, and a known nevernude.
2. Anyone in serious self-denial about their true nature.

Yeah, Gena's still dating that Tobias... I wonder which one of them is in deeper denial?

by tacostacos November 22, 2005

188👍 323👎


1. Tobias Funke, former Analyst/Therapist turned "actor" from Arrested Development known for his latent homoerotic tendencies, deep denial, balding pate, and a known nevernude.
2. Anyone in serious self-denial about their true nature.

Yeah, Gena's still dating that Tobias... I wonder which one of them is in deeper denial?

by tacostacos November 22, 2005

95👍 233👎

swingset susie

1. any obscure crossword puzzle clue that is considered far too cryptic for the common man
2. an effeminate person

What is this bs? Six letters meaning "former African capital?" That's a total swingset susie...

by tacostacos November 22, 2005

34👍 4👎

Arrested Development

1) The best show you never saw. The Emmy Award winning show which survived for about two and a third seasons before being cancelled by Fox. Failed due to being far too smart for a mass audience who would rather watch Pamela Anderson "act" on Stacked.
2) Any act of getting completely screwed despite undeniable skills.

1) Fox jumped the shark when they gave the "Arrested Development" timeslot to "Prison Break."

2) When Michael Bluth was repeatedly passed over in favor of his amusing, inept, "illusionist" brother, Gob for leadership of the Bluth Compay, he was given the AD treatment.

by tacostacos November 22, 2005

1177👍 153👎


Short for the too short-lived show Arrested Development formerly on Fox.

Did you see the scene on AD last night when Tobias was dressed as a giant mole attacking a small model city and George Michael showed up with the jetpack? That was classic.

by tacostacos November 22, 2005

117👍 65👎