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A beautiful red head girl. Firey and fierce. Short but that doesn't stop her. One who is not afraid to state what she believes. Is highly outgoing and gets along with most. Absolutely crazy but that's okay you should love her anyways. She is loyal & loves only one. Talks way too much, loves the phone. Especially late night conversations. Very self conscious and wouldn't mind being called beautiful every once in awhile. Loves hanging out with all her friends and always stays in touch though she often has to move to different places. All around amazing person who anyone would be honored to know. If you ever meet a Tailor, keep her, she's one of a kind.

Guy 1: "Dude you seen Tailor?"
Guy 2: "Hell yah, that fucken hot chick?"
Guy 1: "Yah. Dayumnnn she fine."
Guy 2: "Yah? Well fuck you she's mine."
Guy 1: "Chyll, Ima get me one of those."
Guy 2: "Yah good luck finding another like her."

by taiem July 7, 2009

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