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The act of skull fucking.

Cindy was dogmeated today, and then moved to Canada.

Where is that hot chick I was talking to. Oh, she is getting dogmeated right now.

by tangofandango October 6, 2009

6👍 2👎


A hassidic and erroneous Ethiopian who gets invaded by Italy. It also can be a Scandinavian, or even Somalian version of a 19th century butcher vendor in the suburbs of the Germanic Tribe known as Psudenomen. Can also be a pirate.

Hey, Dogmeat, did you hear about that kid who asked Bitchmeat out to homecoming?
Oh yea, wasn't that shrimp?
Yea. Shrimp is a total koninskovichin prime minister.

by tangofandango October 8, 2009

58👍 48👎

Wingless Pterodactyl

A phrase used to describe something that is tubular, and not at all erroneous.

Dude, my cock is like a wingless pterodactyl.

Suzy, did you hear the Kazakhstani anthem?
Its for licking, fuck yea
Dude, your right, you truly are a wingless pterodactyl.

by tangofandango October 8, 2009

9👍 4👎