Source Code


it means knickers u fools...eeh i dunno, where u get butt-cheeks from??

kiss ma chuddies man

by taz December 11, 2004

44πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

Fountain of Youth

Mystic water that has the abilities to make whoever drinks it or bathes in it younger.

old man into young man. Young man into kid. Kid into baby

by taz May 4, 2004

55πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


A medieval style of helmet with a light flick on the tail at the back. Predominately used by foot soldiers, as its visor came down with a slit over the eyes, giving a minimal amount of visibility, but making it harder to be stabbed or slashed in the face. Useless in Joust, although some did risk it...

The Soldier raised the visor on his Sallet, and faced his Captain.

by taz June 2, 2004

Bevour, or Bevor

A metal throat guard used by medieval soldiers. The word Bevour/Bevor loosly translates to "Dribble box", as the heat of the breath on the cold metal would cause condensation near the mouth. Comprised of a piece of metal that rested over the neck and onto the chest, with two or three pieces of metal that went up to the nose of the solder, articulating so it could fall down to the throat, mainly for breathing (known as a falling bevor). Also just simply metal all the way up to the nose, without articulation. Some would have a locking pin at the side, to prevent the articulations from dropping during battle.

The soldier flicked his bevor up, dropping the visor on his Sallet to lock them in place.

by taz June 2, 2004


If anyone knows the correct spelling to this, let me know!

A medieval battle command for Billmen and pikemen. Involves lowering the Bill or pike from the right shoulder, to hold it out in front of you, pointing the metal pikes/bill points at the enemy. Normally issued just before two units come together to fight, but can be issued in advance.

See above

by taz June 2, 2004

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


The power to turn your oppeninte into a baby. MK2 used the end of rock a bye baby, mk3- mkt trilogy used a baby cry when the person is turned into a baby.

by taz November 8, 2003

10πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


From the medieval battle grounds. Comprises the entaglement of two Bills on the bill-line, and shouted as a warning to others, should the bills flick upward to the face or groin when detatched.

See Bills

by taz June 2, 2004

12πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž