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Yesn't is a short form for "yes not".
It can be used when you want to confuse someone, or if you want to say you want both, when they ask you to choose something.

Person 1: Hey, ya want the orange or the apple?
Person 2: Yesn't
Person 1: ? (*visible confusion*)

by termaq August 29, 2020


Another word for "damn", except that the "y" and "u" are pronounced too.

1: Dayumn, Jylie Kenner is so rich!
2: Look at him, he's so dayumn boring.

by termaq July 6, 2020

11👍 1👎

Typical Redditor

A Redditor is a person who uses Reddit, a social media app, and believes every meme is from Reddit. They also consider themselves superior, are emojiphobic, love star wars/anime, Keanu Reeves and Minecraft. They refer to themselves as dank because they use Reddit, and call those who don't normies.
A Redditard is an alternate name to the aforementioned person.

Guy 1: *sees a meme post on Instagram captioned only with an emoji* OH GOD, THIS IS SO NORMIE! PROBABLY STOLEN FROM REDDIT!

Guy 2: Such a typical Redditor, or might I say, Redditard!

by termaq August 29, 2020

13👍 19👎