Source Code


A beautiful and smart girl who is exceptionally hilarious and very good at doing the robot. Usually the funniest girl in the room. She is very giving and kind, but she will not put up with anyone's bullshit. Don't be a jerk to her or you will become very unpopular and your balls will fall off.

Friend 1: "Oh, that Calli is so clever and funny!"

Friend 2: "I know! She was doing the robot for hours!!!"

by thatdarncat1972 February 7, 2010

379👍 279👎


A great and loyal friend who is super fun to be around. The life of the party. Totally hilarious. Very generous and kind. Thoughtful. Will totally smoke you out and then buy you a frappuccino. Likes adventures. Smart, witty and deep.

Person 1: "Hey dude, where'd you get that frappuccino?"

Person 2: "Totally Rick!"

Person 1: "Of course! I thought you looked like you were having the best time of your life. Rick is so awesome!"

Person 2: "I love Rick. He's so much fun!"

by thatdarncat1972 February 7, 2010

674👍 445👎