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When you plant yourself face first into the ground with your ass up in the air, arms flat on the ground. Looks like you just ''don't a fuck, and you gave up on life''. More common among drunken douche bags which could count as a new meme, or faith hilling.

This can be applied on the grass after you missed a football catch from a friend.
Middle of the road or street (Don't do that you idiot).
On top of a car.
On top of a fat chick sleeping.
After being rejected by a bitch.
At the gym in front of a muscle dummy.
After realizing, banging that fat chick wasn't a good idea.
After any type of failure, and you just give up.

booty in the air face to the groundPlanting, like you're planting yourself into the ground the way racoome is when Goku,(from Dragon Ball Z) elbows the fuck out of him causing him to collapse

by thatdouchebagyouknow May 28, 2012

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