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He's the definition of amazing. He defines the word friend, too. He'll always be there for you. He defines hard working, someone who will go the distance for the one he loves even if he has to take baby steps first. Mark is someone who is cute, but defines beauty not in what he says or does, but in what he is. He is someone who will never give up on something he wants, even if it's so far out of reach. He defines love, someone who will melt your heart and cause you to fall in love every time you see him smile, every time he says your name.. Mark is someone who'll stand by your side, and will be there when the smoke clears. He defines the words thoughtful, sweetheart, caring, &romantic. Someone who'll make you laugh until you cry with all his crazy antics. He is someone you can be yourself around, even when you barely know who you are. Mark will most likely be the reason you're living, the one who pulled you out of the water just before your head goes under. Someone who will sit and hold you because you're afraid of thunder. Mark is the definition of perfect; "Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be" Even though he won't say he agrees. Everyone knows that it's true. <3

Madison:Wow who's that cute guy over there?
Taylor: I think it's a Mark.
Madison: Well that explains it!

by thatskindachilldoe May 20, 2020

22👍 9👎


Emily is usually a lesbian, and likes to do roleplay involving Danny Devito. She also is disgusted by her face and is correct in doing so. Usually girls who's name starts with A are what Emily likes. She will use explicit language to get across her message that she likes these people. In smart classes but actually a dumbass.

Emily: Fuck adyson is hot
Mark: ok idiot

by thatskindachilldoe December 8, 2019