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What happens to a man's penis in cold water. Often a result of cold showers, swimming pools, or the ocean. Very embarrassing.

Man, that pool could make a porn star look like a 9 year old.

Damn my girlfriend dumped me when she saw me get out of the shower -- apparently she doesn't understand that shrinkage really CAN make a penis 1 inch long.

by thatsright December 27, 2005

702👍 118👎

penis line

1. When the outline of a man's penis is visible through his clothing.
2. When the head of circumcised man's penis is visible through his clothing.

1. hey becky look at your boyfriends penis line I bet he's got a big one
2. for swim team I had to wear a speedo and I was afraid my penis line would show.

by thatsright December 27, 2005

27👍 17👎