Source Code


a man, viewed as a god to the citizens of old school msn, who bestowed numerous haxings to the cretins who occupied the chat rooms.

see also cC

<oVeRlOrD> Dude MiGGiE came in here and pwned all of us.
<HaDeZ> DewD i know he is so uber leet
<Stevo> YaH DeWdS his prog MSMigraine has owned me on numerous occasions
<cC> eYe YaM sO GhEy

by the ju1ce January 12, 2004

28๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž

k hole

a feeling of near paralysis; not being able to function properly because of overuse of the drug ketamine.

<man 1> that guy has been laying on the ground, drooling on himself, and staring at the sky for at least a half hour whats his deal?

<man 2> he's stuck in a k-hole fool!

by the ju1ce August 18, 2003

220๐Ÿ‘ 116๐Ÿ‘Ž

purple drank

codeine/promethazine cough syrup mixed in with some sprite. serve it up in a white styrafoam cup with some ice and your good to go. you can mix it up with all kinds of sodas or just sip the ish. there is NO alcohol in it and its NOT robitussin. It's thick and purple and comes only by prescription or by your local weedman. not to be sipped by suckas!!!!!

purple drank up in my cup, blowin dank up in my truck

by the ju1ce May 9, 2005

5437๐Ÿ‘ 1441๐Ÿ‘Ž