Source Code

suck my dick

you dont care about that person or what they have to say

ex 1

Teacher- hey Ryan stop talking in class
Ryan- suck my dick

ex 2
Princple comes on the intercome

Principle starting tomorrow there will be no more pateo time for the rest of the year
Student- Mrs Jackson can suck my dick she is making me mad.

by the realist nigga alive October 14, 2014

725👍 129👎


On The Brightest Day Of Heaven When The Planets & Stars Were Perfectly Aligned A Donese Was Made. A Donese Is Every Man’s Dream Her Beauty Is Unmatched, Her Skin Is Flawless & Radiant, Her Smell Is Intoxicating & Drives Men Wild, Her Smile Is Electric & Her Eyes Are Hypnotic. Rose Petals Should Thrown Beneath Her Feet As She Walk’s. Her Body Is Curvy & She Has ALOT OF ASS, & She Is Drop Dead Gorgeous She is Smart, Independent, & Paid To Sum This Shit Up She Is The She Is Pure Perfection, And The Absolute Definition of Black Fucking Excellence And U Need To Find You One And MARRY HER ASAP.

Donese You Are The Woman I’ve Dreamed About My Entire Life.

by the realist nigga alive March 15, 2022

4👍 3👎