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Can You Handle The Truth (CHYTT) is a chain of facebook groups that are dedicated to telling people the TRUTH about their pictures.

Girl: Hey, I just posted a picture in CHYTT, go comment?

* Guy goes to look *

Guy: You're a fucking whore, that's all I have to say to you.

by thecapnjay January 22, 2010


sbro is the short form for sbrother which is the short form for stepbrother.

I would love to marry my sbro any day, he's so hot.

by thecapnjay April 17, 2010

4👍 4👎


short for stepdad, the male version of a smom.

yo, my sdad is fucking whack

by thecapnjay April 17, 2010

9👍 6👎


smom is the short form for stepmom. the female version of an sdad.

my smom is so fucking hot, I'd do her myself!

by thecapnjay April 17, 2010

9👍 1👎


When a drug user is going through withdrawal, therefore known as 'kicking the habit'.

Don't talk to Chris, he's kicking this week.

by thecapnjay February 18, 2010

69👍 22👎