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This is the perfect example of the phrase, “No good deed goes unpunished.”

The good deed: You exposed your body to copious amounts of alcohol in a relatively short time span.

The punishment: Your body expects you to maintain this level of “liquid happy” consumption, and if you don’t (even if only for the duration of a short nap)…it rebels by dishing out every discomfort that it can physically and psychologically implement.

*Individual with hangover holds head firmly in hands to prevent cranial overexpansion, and chews on entire contents of Tylenol bottle while kneeling before the porcelain god*
“Why god? Why? It seemed like such a good idea last night. I promise I’ll never drink again…so long as I live.”
*Washes Tylenol down with a bottle of Pepto-Bismol between dry heaves*

Waking up drunk just isn't the same as going to sleep drunk!

by thedue September 4, 2006

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