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People with this name are excellent at analyzing, understanding, and learning. They tend to be philosophers, scholars, and pimps. Because they live so much in the mind, they tend to be quiet and with an unbothered attitude, and are usually introverts. When presented with issues, they will see the larger picture. Their solitary thoughtfulness and analysis of people and world events may make them seem coldhearted and it just might be true

That dude swears he is a reginald, but we all know he cares too much. A true reginald is heartless

by thehistorian March 24, 2015

258👍 50👎



Gender: Masculine

Usage: Scottish, English

English/Scottish Name describing a man who is probably the greatest guy you will ever meet. He is humble, yet devastatingly handsome and charismatic. He is strong willed, optimistic, and exceedingly clever.

I wish I was more Ronald, then I would have got that girls phone number last night.
That was the Ronaldest movie ever, nothing will ever top that!
To err is human, to forgive is almost Ronald

by thehistorian February 3, 2010

464👍 216👎