Source Code

fatal error

Something your computer claims to have

"My computer just told me it had a fatal error, does that mean I'm going to die?"

by thejamdude January 12, 2006

53πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Something guys often are over their girlfriends. They often lose their girlfriends in 3-7 days because their annoying.

"Hey how's your girlfriend man?"
"God, don't be so fucking protective!"

by thejamdude January 5, 2006

95πŸ‘ 100πŸ‘Ž

Matrix Revolutions

The third film in the matrix series; lacks the awesomeness of the kung fu in the other films except a bit at the end. Has too much cgi, and Keanu Reeves plays Neo like an idiot as usual.

Wow, I just saw the matrix revolutions!

Was it any good?!!



Well, you know the first one was good.


And the second was pretty good but not better.

YES!!! I KNOW!!!

OH shitting hell! They fucked up!!! This film is the worst of the three. Imagine one big lamefest shoved into a two hour film, involving a briefly cool fight scene at the end, but nothing else good at all!


by thejamdude January 5, 2006

25πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

matrix trilogy

A trilogy of which only one film is liked by EVERYONE. The others are subject to critical debates, because they are inferior and lame.

Wow, the Wachowski brothers really fucked up with the second two films of the matrix trilogy!

by thejamdude January 5, 2006

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Microsoft Office

Unaffordable software that now can be obtained for free practically anywhere.

I couldn't afford microsoft office, so I downloaded it off limewire, stole it from school, and traded it for a lollipop with my friend at school.

by thejamdude January 5, 2006

171πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


Someone who will leech off of you, until they have consumed all your resources and friends, before they move on to someone else etc.

AKA, a computer virus.

My girlfriend spent all my money and made me lose my mates, and now she's fucking that guy from burger king.

by thejamdude September 25, 2005

71πŸ‘ 92πŸ‘Ž

judgement day

The only way the church keep Christians in line, by scaring them about judgement day, which COULD be tomorrow.

Priest: The number of volcanoes are rising! Judgement day must be soon!!!
Scientist: *spouts scientific evidence for rise in volcanoes*
Priest: ... The number of volcanoes are rising! Judgement day must be soon!!!

by thejamdude January 5, 2006

79πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž