Source Code


Business Buzzword term most commonly used during a meeting when one person would like to discuss something one-on-one after the meeting.

Paula: I can leverage this report to give you a ballpark guestimate
Steve: We'll take this off-line Paula. Anyone have any more synergy?
John: I thought I had but then I realised it was a paradigm. Any use?

by thepreacher May 15, 2006

44πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž

Vocal Group

A triumph of marketing over talent.

Normally a group of males or females under the age of 25, recruited to form a band that sing in songs that are written and performed for them.

The band will normally consist of regular band members (animated meat bags), 1 member who can sing and also 1 non-threatening rebel.

Bands consisting entirely of female members will be expected to wear their underpants to work. In all, this leaves the male population feeling that the record buying teenagers of the world are depriving the porn industry of some excellent actresses.

See also
Boy band

S-Club 7, Damage, 911, N*Sync

by thepreacher August 4, 2003

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

i win button

A term used in gaming. Technically it describes a button you can press that will allow you to quickly beat your fellow players

It's generally used in two ways

1) When describing a very over-powered ablility within a game that allows certain players an unfair advantage. This is often down to user perception though. In many cases, the ability is not over-powered as long as you know how to counter it.

2) Used insultingly when a player complains that their character is underpowered. Typically they will make suggestions about how their character could be improved. If these requests are excessive, their fellow gamers will accuse them of wanting an I win button.

Sue: OMG, no way a rogue can beat a mage. Rogues should be able to use their vanish ability as often as they want without the timer.
Sam: So you want one of your most powerful abilities to be available non-stop instead of needing 5 minutes to cool-down. Basically you want an I win button?

by thepreacher April 20, 2006

71πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


Derogatory term used to describe people of low social-class. It's very similar to the term Chav. Also used to describe something that looks cheap or tacky.

It's based on the fact that poor people would tend to live in subsidised housing in the UK known as a council estate. Council estates have improved a great deal in the past 10-20 years but some are still suffering from anti-social behavour brought about by Chav and Urban wannabee behaviour by kids and young adults who are simply bored and lacking identity or a sense of community.

John: Oh my! How much gold does she think she can fit around her neck?
Steve: Mr T could pull it off but she's just council.

by thepreacher November 18, 2005

50πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Without doubt, was a talented rapper but since his murder, has become the subject of fanatical worship.

Commonly described as 'the best rapper', 'the best musician', 'one of the greatest people of all time'. His most zealous followers will often become agitated when negative things are said about the subject of their addoration.

Surely it can't be long before a bonafide religion springs up. As with the cult of Elvis, he is rumoured to still be alive.

High priest: May da blessings of Tupac be upon you bitch.
Bitch: Thuglife nigga.

Steve: Tupac is the greatest man ever. He's a beautiful poet, he's an angel.
John: Steady on, he was just a decent rapper.

by thepreacher June 27, 2005

131πŸ‘ 80πŸ‘Ž

The News of The World

A British tabloid newspaper published on Sundays by News Corp. It's a sister paper to The Sun.

The News of The World concentrates on the important news. C-list celebrities, football, horoscopes, sex scandals and soft-porn. The News of The World has published a lot of kiss and tell stories. Normally these stories are told in lurid detail and illustrated with photos of the woman concerned in her underwear. The News of The World has a gift for showing women in their underwear. They could print an article about Nixon opening relations with China and still somehow find a way to work such a photo in to the story.

The newspaper itself is very right-wing and has been criticised in the past for enouraging mob justice (as has it's sister paper The Sun). Their decision to print the names and photos of convicted paedophiles brought condemnation since it was pretty obvious what was going to happen once these lists were published. Lynch mobs formed and people who had served their sentences and been released were harassed despite the fact that stastics have shown that sex-offenders typically have a far lower rate of recivisdism than most other serious crimes.

All in all, a low-grade gossip rag with a thinly veiled populist right-wing agenda.

John: I want something that's written in the style of a children's book while being a mix of Mein Kampf and Razzle.
Paul: Ah, the News of The World. That'll be 50 pence.
Stavros: How much change do I get from a pound?

by thepreacher April 20, 2006

36πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Doubting Thomas

This is based on the Biblical New Testament story where Thomas, one of the apostles of Christ, refused to believe that Jesus had risen from the grave without seeing evidence. On seeing this evidence, he praised those who believed without proof.

Typically this phrase is used in a midly derogatory. It describes someone who refuse to simply believe in something out of pure faith without asking for evidence. A devout Christian might consider me to be a doubting thomas because I don't believe there is a God since there's no evidence. The Christian considers it a bad thing that I'm not simply willing to have some faith.

Fanatic: How can you not believe in God? You don't want to be a doubting thomas?
Athiest: Normal people don't consider it a bad thing when others ask for proof when they make extraordinary claims. If I said that I am Zrlak, King of Mars, I would have little respect for you if you believed me without asking for evidence yet you expect me to just believe your equally ridiculous claims?

by thepreacher November 18, 2005

56πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž