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a black dude trying be street when you know for a fact his dad is a happily married dentist

Black dude-what do you know about that a slinging and grindin' white boy?
Me- shut up Huxtable, do you want the sack or not?

by thinjimmcgeekbeats July 2, 2005

132👍 52👎

urban elf

it's like the metro gnome, just with less letters.

damn, that urban elf keeps time like he done stole all the watches!

by thinjimmcgeekbeats July 2, 2005

8👍 6👎


the definative volume set about all dem different girlie undersuits.

i saw a stripper reading the pantylopedia

by thinjimmcgeekbeats July 3, 2005

6👍 17👎