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a contempt, scorn, or disapproval by booing with a "laugh out loud" mockery

That loser Idol wannabe just got boolol!

by timlight January 30, 2010

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1. extremely severe coronavirus disease
2. draconic + covid

Roger recovered from covid-19 symptoms but his doctor did not anticipate dracovid complications.

by timlight April 22, 2020


A church-hopper is an attendant of different churches who avoids church accountability groups because of rejection, embarrassment, hostility, and control.

"Churchian the Zealous is a church-hopper?"

"Yes, it's obvious, he's not churchy!"

by timlight July 6, 2009

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A person specializing in the interpretation of information

Would you like to become a factoid infologist?

by timlight January 27, 2010

covid toes

blue or purple lesions on toes or feet as an early sign of covid-19

The doctor said that Anne's painful covid toes may disappear within ten days.

by timlight April 22, 2020

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1. one who performs a nasal or throat swab for the detection of bacteria or virus

2. one who swabs any surface

A swabber can prevent false results during covid-19 test if he's thoroughly following protocols

by timlight April 22, 2020

rapid taste

fast and easy food ordering system providing ready-to-eat dishes

Cassie: I'm really craving for pizza now...

Max: Hey, there's a rapid taste around the corner where we can order two slices for 1 dollar!

by timlight December 18, 2020