Source Code

One Time For Your Boy

When your boy really needs you to help them or wants you to perform a task, saying, "I just need you to do this one time for your boy." The only valid responses are, "ONE TIME," "JUST FUCKING ONCE," or, in an affirming tone, "one time, ONE FUCKING TIME FOR YOUR BOY."

Valid requests include: when you want your boy to hard force viper + infestor, roll a fatty spliff, or take the dog out so you can do one of the first two.

You: can you roll me a spliff real quick, one time for your boy??? And for fucking ONCE can you PLEASE infestor viper all-in???

Me: Yea bro, I gotchu. ONE FUCKING TIME BRO.

by tombechillen December 6, 2019

Show Show

When you're in a hyped mood, feeling yourself, and you want to take a shower it's called a "Show Show." You might take a Show Show with music, a shower beer, or simply with heat blasting, rocking out with your **** out. Show Shows are taken fo sho sho, nothing less.

Her: Everything is right in the world. It's Friyay, home from work, and imabout to blast myself with heated water, drinking a beer in the show show fo sho sho.

Him: Don't forget the tunes yo! Sounds dope!!!

by tombechillen December 6, 2019

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