Source Code


The most KICKASS fuckin band you will ever hear!

listen to cky

by trevor October 21, 2003

300πŸ‘ 209πŸ‘Ž

flying rhino

One female straps a dildo to her forhead. Another gets down on all fours. The first female then charges the second and rams the dildo up her ass.

Only in the Adult's petting zoo can one see a flying rhino.

by trevor August 14, 2003

89πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


character from That 70's show played by Danny Masterson

Hyde lives at Eric Forman's house.

by trevor May 24, 2004

365πŸ‘ 134πŸ‘Ž


The sensation you get upon realizing that the screenname you chose for Urban Dictionary is one that is used by many others and that all definitions created under that screenname are attributed to that single screenname.

"I logged into Urban Dictionary to check if my definitions had processed only to find that they had been added to a long list of definitions by 'Trevor.' Some of these definitions include: sinep (inward growing penis), Mo'Fugly (Mofo ugly), chipmunk cheeks (*shiver*), and flying rhino (*shudder*)...Realizing I wasn't in the best of company, I was overcome with shame."

by trevor March 19, 2004

89πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

we should do something sometime

something a girl says to a guy making the guy think that the girl likes him, when really all she means that you are doomed to be her friend forever and nothing more. see the ladder theory.

Mary: hey joe, wanna do something sometime?
Joe: okay (i think she likes me)

by trevor April 29, 2004

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


one who has all the qualities of a dumbass and will defend his convictions, even when proven wrong by others

JC, you are a fuckstick and a shrimp fucker.

by trevor April 2, 2004

19πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


someone that is only around or talks to you when they need money and then dont pay back; or when you have something they dont have

kyle has a rent-a-freind

by trevor March 3, 2004

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž