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Overrated american shit. If you are in america you see everyone with an cracked iphone. Not recommended getting in the US with an android

Iphone 6 user: Haha android user. You're poor.
Android user: STFU

by trumpation November 29, 2020

38👍 5👎

Professional editing gpu

Something 8 year olds joke of because it's too expensive when it's not for games

Me: I'm gonna get a professional editing gpu for my photos:
8 year old: Oh yeah you can play roblox with 2 fps very nice
Me: *slaps 8 yr old with tank*

by trumpation August 26, 2020

1👍 1👎

Cyberpunk 2077

The most overhyped game of the decade.

someone: hey have you seen the new cyberpunk 2077?
me: hell yeah, been waiting 7 years to get a customizable penis size, and penis 2

by trumpation December 14, 2020

25👍 14👎