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the most rad person on the block

“that girl's messy weave is so trunk!”

by trunk February 28, 2015

11👍 4👎


abbreviation for "douchebag" used when someone is such a douchebag they simple aren't worth the time it takes you to say "ouche".

"You're brother stole my last blunt and passed it while I was takin a shit. Then he fucked my girl."

"What a fuckin d-bag!"

by trunk December 4, 2007

117👍 27👎

snow dragon

the act of placing your hand gently over a girl's mouth and punching her in the stomach after she has given you head and you have jizzed all up in her grill. This causes the jizz to seep out of her nose like a dragon who snorts snow.

"Man, Shelly was so pissed when I gave her the 'ol snow dragon."

"I'd be pissed too if you made me look like Whitney Houston!" (by the way, Whitney Houston had/has a cocaine addiction hardee har harr)

by trunk December 4, 2007

26👍 39👎