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dog act

sleeping with a mate's girlfriend,
not returning a favour,
not returning a shout at the pub,
drinking the last half pot of beer out of a jug you didn't buy,
cheating - especially when when what you're doing is not competitive

tony: "that prick john always disappears when it's his turn to shout!"

sam: "yeh, what a f*ing dog-act!"

by trunkman27 July 5, 2005

81👍 39👎


those young hot skanky chicks that dress up like sluts and hang off every guy in the club bumming free drinks all night pretending that they're going to sleep with the guy

sally: "wow, i only spent $3.50 tonight!"

tamara: "yeh! that's 'cos you're a dicktease, skank!"

by trunkman27 July 5, 2005

21👍 9👎