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abcdfghijklmnopqrstuvwxy oh wait I forgot ez

The insult is a very heavy insult that could make your enemy shake in fear and get down on his/her knees.
This word pattern is commonly used when you save a goal in football and the opponent breaks down crying.
The English lexicon is implied in this extreme mental abuse method by not including the letters E and Z and then remembering these letters after reciting the rest of the letters in alphabetical order stating "OH WAIT I FORGOT EZZZZZZZZZZZZ" (ez being slang that gamers commonly use as a way to say easy).

Let's suppose little Timmy kicked a ball toward Keene in the goalie position and Keene saves the ball from going in

*Keene saves the ball and walks up to Timmy already on the floor crying*


*Timmy breaks down*

TImmy says "why you hurt my feelings bro, next time I score ten goals!"

by tuiwbeiwuq March 31, 2023

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