Source Code


(adj.) Misspelling of the word 'crazy'. First seen in a snippet of men's bathroom graffiti at Sterling's Restaurant (Sunland, CA) in 1985.

Truck drivers are a carzy bunch - what we call pussy, thay call lunch!

by turrican September 12, 2007

35👍 17👎

Pizza Roulette

A prank wherein you hang out in front of an apartment complex, waiting for the inevitable pizza delivery guy to show up (with someone else's order) - and you buy it. A real-life "man in the middle" attack, so to speak.

Roommate: "I'm bored - anyone down for Pizza Roulette?"
You: "Hell yeah - lemme grab my smokes!"

(out front of the building, a few cigarettes later, a pizza delivery guy shows up)
You: "Hey, is that pizza for apartment, uhhh.."
Pizza Delivery Guy: (looks at box) "Apartment 231?"
You: "Yeah, that's us!"
(you pay, he leaves)
You: "Ahh, shit. Anchovies and extra olives - nasty!"

Guy In Apt. 231: "Hey, where's my motherfuckin' pizza?"
Pizza Shop: "Uhhh.. it was delivered and paid for..?"

by turrican April 7, 2008

24👍 6👎


Misspelling of the word 'they'. First seen in a snippet of men's bathroom graffiti at Sterling's Restaurant (Sunland, CA) in 1985.

Truck drivers are a carzy bunch - what we call pussy, thay call lunch!

by turrican September 12, 2007

57👍 18👎


A Tomczack (pronounced "tom-chack") occurs when you're headed for the sole available bathroom stall, but are denied entrance because someone suddenly sneaks in ahead of you.

Being Tomczacked is somewhat akin to losing at musical chairs, so the term is applicable to many similar situations, such as missing out on the last table at Starbucks, or having someone else take action on an idea before you do.

I was headed for the bathroom across the atrium to pinch a loaf, but one of the guys from that office in the corner appeared out of nowhere and Tomczacked me!

by turrican October 23, 2007

23👍 1👎


A device (typically a large cardboard square), used as a fan of sorts, to dissipate a noxious cloud of fart-gas. The intentional misspelling "disapater" is preferred (as opposed to "dissipater") as it refers to the original article, circa 1996.

Dude, Steve ripped another one - quick, hand me the Disapater!

by turrican October 23, 2007

22👍 7👎