Source Code

mickey mouse

when a guys "tit dirt" stains his shirt
(tourettes guy)

"is that a mickey mouse t-shirt?"
"what the fuck are you talking about?"
"well his ears there...his ears & theres his face"
"thats not mickey mouse thats just tit dirt"

by twinkydoodle1991@yahoo.com February 1, 2008

30👍 95👎


when your garbage disposal sounds like chewbacca taking a shit

"whats all the damn noise?"
"its the garbage disposal"
"it sounds like chewbacca taking a shit!...gggeeehhh"
(sound mimicking chewbacca)(tourettes guy)
...pretty self explanatory
...just go watch it

by twinkydoodle1991@yahoo.com February 1, 2008

19👍 14👎

pain in the cervix

1)when a guy is fuckin a girl really hard with a long dick
2)saying that someone is annoying

1)"oh my gosh, your penis was so long it gave me a pain in the cervix"
2)"why do you have to be such a pain in the cervix"

by twinkydoodle1991@yahoo.com February 1, 2008

5👍 9👎