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Inside joke

Illegal. Do not make one into an Urban dictionary definition. They are Jokes that only your friends know.

Me: Ima make a definition only my friends will get.

B-B-Birthday party: A place where you hide all the dead bodies.

Urban dictionary: FBI your under arrest dor illegal possession of Inside Jokes.

by udontknowmeidontknowu January 4, 2021

Rickroll 2: electric boogaloo

Rickrolling people with Rick Astley's Never gonna give you up is a thing of the past. The future is now old man, Introducing Rickroll 2: electric boogaloo, aka Rick Astley's Together forever.

Me: Together forever and never to part
Together forever we two
And don't you know
I would move heaven and earth
To be together forever with you
You: Dang, I've been Rickroll 2: electric boogaloo'ed

by udontknowmeidontknowu March 12, 2021

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Mary Sue

The main character of the new Mulan and the Star Wars sequels.

Use The force Rey
Use The Chi Mulan
Use The plot device that makes you stronger than everyone, even if they can also use it, Mary Sue

by udontknowmeidontknowu February 2, 2021

63πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


When a clone reveals a grand conspiracy and dies but urban dictionary doesn't recognize them for it.

come on people lets recognise our fallen hero. F in the chat for Fives.

by udontknowmeidontknowu August 24, 2021

Star Wars sequels


Controversial movies that caused a civil war in the Star Wars fandom. One side claims the other is sexist for not liking the main character Rey for being an uninteresting character. This is untrue because there are many interesting female Star Wars characters, including but not limited to Bo Katan, Mira Jade, Leia Organa, Sabine Wren, Hera Syndulla, Assaj Ventris, Barris Offee, Mon Mothma, Jyn Urso, Padme Amidalla, etc. However, all are entitled to their own opinion. I personally think Disney should just pull a Star Trek and have multiple different cannons. Ok sorry for angering you sequels fan have a nice day.

Person: but the Star Wars sequels are good
Me: *visible stress* yea... sure

by udontknowmeidontknowu December 9, 2020

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Weird ham

Factory worker 1: This ham is in no way different from other pieces of ham
Factory worker 2: I think it's weird so it's spam now.

by udontknowmeidontknowu May 14, 2021

April 1st

The day George Washington and his men forced some aliens back to their home planet. The weeks leading up to the event were filled with strange occurrences, such as pyramids and crop circles randomly showing up. The battle lasted 30 minutes and although the aliens had better technology, George Washington had more men and was aided by a nearby town who was angry that their crops were being destroyed. Also, it's believed that a time machine arrived mid-battle and dropped off Abraham Lincoln in a tank. After the great battle, many of the soldiers gained the power to generate electricity because of radiation, all the toilet buckets were covered in invisible force fields, and they realized that snakes had moved into their food supply.

And that is why we all celebrate April 1st by electrocuting each other with rings, putting plastic wrap on toilets, and giving each other cans full of rubber snakes.

by udontknowmeidontknowu April 5, 2021

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