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an extremely attractive guy thats tan, tall, cute smile, perfect body, brown eyes, and short hair. is often sarcastic and makes random jokes. super hilarious. is very fun to be around. very interesting individual. not your average, everyday guy. different but in a good way. a loyal friend/boyfriend. not afraid to speak his mind or be himself. not always on the talkative side but hes a good listener and always there when you need him. doesnt like people. makes fun of everything and everyone. insecure about certain things. not an open guy if your not close to him. a real challenge to get to know but once you do hes an amazing guy with an amazing heart,but he hides it behind his cocky personality. good taste in music. he also knows how to treat a girl right, and is a good kisser. hes just all around amazing even if he doesnt know it yet. hes the reason to get up in the mornings. cant live without this kid. hes super lovable underneath it all. he demands patience but any girl would be lucky to have him, who knows, you might even fall in love with him... ;)

I'm glad to have a Brock in my life.

by unicornsrule April 7, 2011

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