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When one works really hard on an essay and it turns out to be total crap.

Guy1: Wow, I spent like an entire week writing that essay and I got C! I got totally essay-rapped

by unum March 5, 2008

6👍 8👎

I see what you did there

Sometimes used as a sarcastic response to a dumb trick. Or a trick meant for noobs.

-Guy1: Hey guys! If you post your credit card and social security number, this forum will out automatically censor it!

-Guy2: Okay... Wait! I see what you did there.

by unum March 5, 2008

286👍 853👎


Completely defeated or "owned" at something.

Guy1: How did your basketball game go?
Guy2: We got beet 2 to 47
Guy1: Wow, you got totally rapped.

by unum March 5, 2008

27👍 40👎