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shop & swap

Shop & Swap is the term used when speaking about the act of purchasing and returning clothing after one wear. Many people "shop and swap" after shopping at relatively or very expensive stores (ie; H&M, Abercrombie & Fitch, Neiman Marcus etc...)and purchasing clothes they want wear on dates, to school, clubs, parties and so fourth...but can't afford to keep. Label-whore's are known the engage in this practice to remain in keeping with trends but still able to actually afford to eat.

Though most stores consider it theft in the long run, many see no problem with and compare it to renting a tux.

I was so stoked when I found out I could dress like Paris Hilton on a starving artists budget though shop & swap.

by urbanr0cker May 1, 2008


-A widely accepted and legalized racketeering scheme in which parents and students pay upwards of $30,000 to voluntarily accept extremely leftist propaganda as well as have their, bank accounts, homes and other viable assets regularly forcibly raped after getting it good from a bank or student loan branch.

-There are many highly publicized myths, the most popular being, that there is rampant, uninhibited sex, and a bevy of busty wanton teens and young adult girls just waiting to have sex with any man who’ll have them. In reality, there is rampant sex, but everyone’s not hot, it’s sloppy, the girls are half-dead from booze and drugs, the guys go limp half of the way through and 1 out of ever 3 girls has been slipped something and ends up date-raped.

-The truth of the matter is, college is another form of high school with more ‘freedom’ less restrictions and triple the money paid. Or, more accurately a brainwashing “group” akin to the Manson Family or the Heaven’s Gate Cult.

College can however be a fun and exciting place, mainly for freshman and sophomores who can’t believe there is SO MUCH pot, coke, speed and alcohol readily available and mostly for free.

Twins Jessica & Ashley were given $50,000 each for college upon graduating high school.

Jessica moved to California and bought a house in the Valley outright.

Ashley got into a prestigious college, paid the entire $50K and now only ows Sally Mae $32,000.

by urbanr0cker May 10, 2008

258👍 103👎


Pornography usually of a soft-core or poorly edited nature (see: Girls Gone Wild) is usually considered quasi-porn. Sometimes quasi-porn includes too many cut scenes or cut aways (angle changes) etc, ugly girls, too much talking during sex or otherwise nonsexual dialogue ("storyline").

How to know you quasi-porn:

1). Bare breasts are only shown for a fraction of a second.

2). *NOT* a fetish porn but camera constantly pans to girls feet.

3). One is incapable of beating off without being forced to pause, rewind or fast forward porn.

4). You become more interested in the actual "story" than the sex scenes.

5). Girl never takes her top off/tits remain in bra.

6). There is no real or significant penetration.

by urbanr0cker May 13, 2008

35👍 8👎

Spank bank

A mental collection of visual images one stores in ones mind to remember later for purposes of 'self pleasure' see: masturbation. Entered into the spank bank are an array of images of people (usually ones you want to bone) in either suggestive or totally non-sexual situations generally seen in real life.

Ie; a girl in a mini skit, a low cut top and/or heels/A girl waiting at a traffic light eating a lollipop. A girl bending over to pick up a coin. A girl at a club making out with another chick.

A guy doing push-ups at the gym. Guys at the office etc...

Nate: Damn! did you see that bitch eat that banana?

Matt: Hell yeah...she deep throated that shit!*...that's going in my spank bank.

Amber: ewe...you guys are sick!

by urbanr0cker May 11, 2008

157👍 63👎


A phrase people used to describe a person who expresses dislike or disdain for another person or celebrity. W*A*R*N*I*N*G-Not always a truthful description;

A hater is typically someone who dislikes or is jealous someone for no other reason accept for their success, friends or possessions that they either want or desire or dislike another person having.

girl: OMG jane doe is SUCH a whore.

girl2: HATER

girl: stfu

by urbanr0cker May 14, 2008

6👍 18👎

label whore

Someone who exclusively (or mostly) wears "name brand" or high fashion labels. They are know to wear only what's in style right "now!". They often purchase clothes solely based on labels and disregard personal style preference or common sense.

Most label whore's generally cannot actually afford the clothes they buy as so much of it goes out of style within months. They're also known to "Shop & Swap" (wear and return clothing after one use).

I lol'd when that label whore Andi couldn't get her money back for that hideous Neiman Marcus bag...$300 down the drain.

by urbanr0cker May 1, 2008

136👍 49👎

mother's day

1). A day in which women who somehow managed to punch out a couple of kids feel entitled to flowers, cards, candy, balloons, bears and other meaningless gifts.

2.) Yet another "holiday" Hallmark, FTD and See's Candy conspired to invent in order to sell products in what would be a month otherwise void of an actual gift giving holiday (see: Christmas and December ).

3). A day in which the women in your family *say* they only wish you to acknowledge with your love and perhaps doing the dishes when they actually want their children, husbands or boyfriends to give them flowers, candles, dinners etc...

Girl: What's you get your mom for Mother's Day?

Guy: A hug.

Girl: ouch...what's she have to say about that?

Guy: not so much...

by urbanr0cker May 12, 2008

76👍 23👎