Source Code

Son's Day

The Friday before Mother's Day, when all the son's realize they forgot to get their Mom a gift, and they only have 48 hours in which to do so. So they take the day off work Friday hoping to find some time to get a gift, but they wake up late and get drunk instead (in honor of Son's Day), and end up with no money and no Mother's Day gift.

Son's Day was great this year, I woke up at noon, drank a case of beer and grilled out all day. I hope I have enough money to get Mom a gift for Mother's Day on Sunday.

by valleymd May 7, 2010

15πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Guide Surfing

The art of watching a TV show and using your digital set-top box guide feature to see what else is on TV.

I quit channel surfing when I got a digital cable box and started guide surfing.

by valleymd April 16, 2010


When you slap your hands against your stomach making a drum sound.

OK Mike, were going to form a new Body Band, and you will be on the Tumdrum. I will be the air guitar, and Chris is going to be the vocals.

by valleymd January 4, 2011


Utilizing cold outdoor temperatures to chill a beverage that has come home from the grocery store at room temperature.

Spendthrift: "Mike is a cheapskate, so to save energy he puts his room temperature case of Beer outside in the winter to cool it to fridge temperature. He calls it Freefridgeration."

by valleymd April 25, 2012

Man Dime

When a man gets veneer teeth, hair extensions, tans, waxing, and gear all in an effort to look like a model. In the end he looks like an inbred queer, who no one likes because he sold himself out to fashion.

Rob Dyrdek's cousin Chris "Drama" Pfaff is a Man Dime.

by valleymd April 13, 2011

30πŸ‘ 34πŸ‘Ž

Tranny Claus

A woman dressed in a Santa suit.

Michael Scott: Don't go over there with Tranny Claus. Come sit on my lap.

by valleymd December 11, 2009

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


You don't have an iPod, and you have never wanted an iPod, but you receive a gift card to the iTunes store, and download iTunes on your computer. It quickly becomes an addiction and you are now, iPodangerous.

About two weeks after installing iTunes, Steve Jobs' Nano-Clone invades your brain while you sleep, and you begin to think, "Wow this would be cool if I could take all this music, video, and apps on the go." Then you go spend $200 on a iPhone or iPod, and go into massive credit card debt, because all you do is buy music, apps, movies, and TV shows. Suddenly your credit card stops working, so you go check the balance, and you are maxed out.

You would have been better off buying some Apple stock, and reap the rewards of the 200 million people who are iPodangerous. You will become king of the world when Apple stock reaches $4,000,000 per share, and you will be able to buy a lot more iPods then.

by valleymd October 17, 2010