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Cook @ Swiss Chalet

Boys who like to shake hands

by vanessa March 18, 2004

5πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


a legless midget that molests animals

That plasache touched the chicken in a funny way.

by vanessa December 9, 2003

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


def: It's like BLAH, only better.

Ugh, I feel so Bla today. No, more like ERF-NWER.

by vanessa June 24, 2004

1πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


An ariyahna is very beautiful not only in appreance but in personality, it is the most unique and charismatic. Loyal, truthworthy, caring, open minded, and determined is some of the many characteristics of an ariyahna. Main priority is to be happy, different and positive. They never judge so they are easy to talk to about anything and will always be honest, even if the truth could hurt, if it needs to be said then ariyahna will say it. Being silly and dorky is what makes an ariyahna so alluring. But its hard to understand an ariyahna at times because their imagine can be so wild that they get lost in it, but that contributes to them being so innovative. Dont hurt an ariyahna or any of the ones she loves, she forgives but never forgets and karma is always on her side. If you get the chance to befriend an ariyahna, dont let them go. They will do everything in their capability to fight for your well being. Ariyahna is everything good in life and you will never regret not knowing an ariyahna.

To be different is to be ariyahna.

by vanessa March 29, 2015

12πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


An ariyahna is very beautiful not only in appreance but in personality, it is the most unique and charismatic. Loyal, truthworthy, caring, open minded, and determined is some of the many characteristics of an ariyahna. Main priority is to be happy, different and positive. They never judge so they are easy to talk to about anything and will always be honest, even if the truth could hurt, if it needs to be said then ariyahna will say it. Being silly and dorky is what makes an ariyahna so alluring. But its hard to understand an ariyahna at times because their imagine can be so wild that they get lost in it, but that contributes to them being so innovative. Dont hurt an ariyahna or any of the ones she loves, she forgives but never forgets and karma is always on her side. If you get the chance to befriend an ariyahna, dont let them go. They will do everything in their capability to fight for your well being. Ariyahna is everything good in life and you will never regret not knowing an ariyahna.

To be different is to be ariyahna.

by vanessa March 29, 2015

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


a style of popular music combining forms of punk and hillbilly (country) music

Yellowcard goes punkabilly on "A View From Heaven".

by vanessa March 2, 2004

8πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


when a homosexual couple have decided to get serious about their relationship. it's usually used to describe a gay couple who cannot be married.

-"bill? want to be homoserious with me?"
-"sure deary."

by vanessa April 21, 2004

12πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž