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Sleep pill, much like Ambien. Some say it also adds butterflies to your dream.

Give me Lunesta or give me death. I don't want Ambien.

by veggieduck February 12, 2006

51👍 29👎


A person who surrenders his/her life to the parent of the opposite sex. He/she has a sexual relationship with this parent, and his/her life depends on the promises of this parent.

That goodie-two-shoes is mentally incompatible to build his own family because he is so fucked up by his mother!

by veggieduck September 24, 2006

33👍 520👎

rear end

To have sex such that the partner is positioned from behind.

A girl bragging to her friends: "I got rear ended by my boyfriend last night. It was exciting!"

by veggieduck September 24, 2006

74👍 37👎

festive green

A plant-derived illegal substance used in a party, such as marijuana.

Hey dude, I got us some festive greens!

by veggieduck September 24, 2006


Mint On Card. This is used to refer to an item packaged in a blister and cardboard type package that has not been opened.

This toy is worth $30 if MOC, but only $15 if loose.

by veggieduck February 12, 2006

76👍 30👎