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Straight Girl Syndrome

When a straight girl claims to be extremely supportive of the LGBTQ + community, but only for extremely stereotypical gay men, using phrases like “omg, yasss queen!” and “get it gurlll!”. The second a lesbian or any other member of the LGBTQ+ community is brought up, they become weirdly quiet and mildly skeptical.

When a straight girl displays the stage 3 symptoms of Straight Girl Syndrome

Straight girl: omg, work it gurl! U guys r like, my otp omggg! I’m so supportive of my LGBT brothers and sisterss

Lesbian: hi
Straight girl: ......
Straight girl: guys I think I have a lesbian stalker, she basically said she wants to rape me, and we should call the police

by violetgirl7 April 28, 2020