Source Code


See above. This method of construction is 'pig-latin' in nature, opposed to being uniquely coined by Family Guy. Ahem.

As above

by voiceinsideyou November 25, 2003

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Mood, as in "in the mood".

Coined in Family Guy Season 1 Episode 7 "Brian: Portrait of a Dog". It's a jumble of the word "mood" done in a similar manner to that of amscray.

mood -> ood + m + ay = oodmay.
scram -> am + scr + ay = amscray.

"... like when Lois is in the oodmay, and Brian won't amscray..."
"Gezzz, I'm in the oodmay, gimme some ovelay!"

by voiceinsideyou November 22, 2003

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The act of Laughing Out Load (LOL), expressed as a noun.

"Dude, that shiz was total LOLage."
"Fuck, you'll LOlage and spill your drink if you don't wise up, fool."

by voiceinsideyou May 29, 2003

127πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž

meth fiend

A wordmeth/word addict, commonly known as being shrivelled up, hunched over, desperate losers who roam the streets either peddling stolen property to get more meth, scavenging meth from dealers, or violently attacking people in a vague, crazed attempt to get more meth. The true scum of the drug world.

"Fuck, what a meth fiend"
"I saw some meth fiend passed out on teh sidewalk before - what a loser"
"Meth fiends are pathetic"
"I got assaulted by some random meth fiend on the corner of 10th and 21st"

by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003

94πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


A term of congratulations, approval, or encouragement.

"Biggup teh new DnB tunes out on Moving Shadow. Those tunes are kriss!"
"Nice work dude, biggup!"
"Nah, I aint gonna biggup no crackwhore"

by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003

36πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

crystal meth

Commonly used term in the later 1990's for "Crystal Methamphetamine", also known as "wordMeth/word", "Methamphetamine", "Pure", "P".

Occurs in crystals, measured by the point, which although theoretically is euqla to 1/10th of a metric gram, usually ends up being closer to 1/20th and you getting 0wned for teh drug money.

Commonly smoked with a glass pipe, and highly addictive. Note close relation to the wordmeth fiend/word, a crazed, agitated addict roaming around trying to get teh cash for teh crystal meth.

"Fuck dude, gimme some damn crystal meth!"
"I'm sorry, your son is addicted to crystal meth. He'll be in rehab for months."

by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003

356πŸ‘ 226πŸ‘Ž


Slang for "Crisp" , meaning "perfect", or "ideal".

"Dude, that jacket looks kriss"
"Your PC setup is kriss!"
"That chick was kriss, man"
"Kriss cars are hard to find secondhand"

by voiceinsideyou June 6, 2003

177πŸ‘ 65πŸ‘Ž