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you have to have owned one to know the
understanding. VW folks are cool, relaxed
and are always willing to help a fellow
hippie out.

63 sunroof bug
63 1/2 bug
66 13 window bus
67 bug
71 Super
72 914 porsche (type 4)
74 bug
Sand Rail - various years
01 mexican bug - en mexico

by vw66bus November 15, 2003

186👍 108👎


The first car manufacturer to make a
SUV - the Schwimmagen (sp?) and the
first real station wagon (bus).

eh, stop the bus, is that a schwimmer
in the lake!!. now pass me that pipe
so i can get the bus running.

by vw66bus November 15, 2003

164👍 129👎