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to sell.
usually drugs.

let's buy a quarter and flip back 2 g's

"a-fro-man take a pound of bud and flip it like a pancake. buccccooooccc!"

by watzy January 3, 2007

14👍 11👎

jacked up

high on some kind of upper, coke, speed, ecstacy, etc.

this shit is fuckin great man, it had me all jacked up last night

by watzy December 28, 2006

118👍 69👎

sold you

get someone to get something for you.

sam tells dom to get him a beer.
dom gives sam a beer.
sam sold dom for a beer.
sam: i sold you for a beer

or you get someone to buy something for you
you sold them for whatever they bought you.

"yo sam just sold you for a beer"

by watzy December 29, 2006

2👍 4👎


take a cigarette and rub some cocaine on the filter, smoke it and it gives you a nice buzzz and a numby

yo that cokerette made my mouth numb as shit

by watzy December 28, 2006


slang for any kind of hallucinigenic drug: LSD, shrooms, etc

yo man you got any trips for sale?

by watzy December 28, 2006

333👍 180👎