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When you're trying to watch a movie on YouTube and it's been removed due to copyright. Fuck them mothafuckas, that ain't right.

Steve- Man- I wanted to watch The Interview on YouTube and instead Bitchass SKAAANK came ovefer and said YOutuuubbbe doesnt have it and then try to distract me with some random NYEUGA who doesn't have anything to do with James Muthafunking Franco when Im just trying to snuggle with my ugly bitch, and they direct to some brokeass website that they say has moth-er3%@ing SETTTH ROGAAAINE and it takes me to muther fluckin BROPLAY DOT MOTHERFUCKIN COMM NIIIIIGGGAAA And looking like the mutherfucking DOuche NOZZle for the night I look up to the night sky and say, Fuck them mothafuckas, that ain't right!!

Friend-That's cool man but I just wanted some of the chips man. But, you right. You got You-fucked, Youtube you-fucked you up, fuck them mothafuckas, that ain't right.

by wazzdat March 26, 2015

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